The summer school “Forensic Linguistics Short Course” addresses subjects within the broadly defined discipline of forensic linguistics. The course is based on working with authentic data and on the use of real cases to illustrate theory. A high degree of participant involvement is encouraged and critical inquiry and debate is wished for.
The international program offers theoretical and applied introductions on topics in forensic linguistics. In addition, participants are provided the opportunity to present their own research in a poster session and take part in excursions.
Forensic Linguistics
Forensic Linguistics functions as an umbrella term referring to research and practice in all those areas where legal and linguistic interests converge. Generally speaking, it is concerned with the role, shape and evidential value of language in legal and forensic settings. Some areas are:
- authorship profiling and attribution
- discourse analysis
- language and meaning
- organisation of interaction in legal settings
- structure and semantics of legal instruments
- comprehensibility of legal instruments
- linguistic minorities and linguistic human rights
Press Reports
Sarah Lapacz at the Forensic Linguistics Short Course – Aug 08, 2018
MA student Sarah Lapacz spent a week at the University of Cologne in July, where she attended the Forensic Linguistics Short Course. Read more.