In 2018, the Forensic Linguistics Short Course started as a one-time-only project of the Student Council of Linguistics and Phonetics at the University of Cologne, Dr Isabel Picornell, and Dr Ria Perkins. As the program received an unexpectedly high number of applications as well as highly positive feedback from participants, the coordinators decided to make the Forensic Linguistics Short Course an annual summer school. In late 2021, the summer school became official part of the Association for Diversity in Linguistics. It is currently organised in cooperation with the English Language and Linguistics Department at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
An important feature of the Forensic Linguistics Short Course is that it is a strictly non-profit project. Neither the coordinators nor the summer school’s partners receive any share of the participation fees. The fee is solely used to cover expenses such as lecturers, meals and snacks, beverages, and excursions (and online tools for the online version). Hence, we are trying to keep the fees as low as possible and still to be able to offer you a great experience when participating. Any leftovers are used to maintain this website and help organise other events of the association.
Substantial parts of the summer school’s schedule are intensive sessions on pertinent areas of forensic linguistics, an open poster session, and events introducing local culture.
Below you will find a short overview of the previous editions of the Forensic Linguistics Short Course.
1st FLsc
The first edition of the Forensic Linguistics Summer School took place in July 2018. The venue was the main building of the humanities faculty at the University of Cologne. In total, 23 participants (53% rejection rate) from 12 countries and 11 institutions participated.

2nd FLsc
The second edition of the Forensic Linguistics Summer School took place in August 2019. The venue was the “Modulbau Weyertal” building at the University of Cologne. In total, 27 participants (49% rejection rate) from 19 countries and 17 institutions participated.

3rd FLsc
The third edition of the Forensic Linguistics Short Course took place in August 2021. It was the first online edition of the FLsc and took place via Zoom and GatherTown. In total, 20 participants (50% rejection rate) from 8 countries and 16 institutions participated.
4th FLsc
The fourth edition of the Forensic Linguistics Short Course took place in August 2022 at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. In total, 26 participants (39% rejection rate) from 11 countries and 15 institutions participated.
5th FLsc
The fifth edition of the Forensic Linguistics Short Course took place in September 2023 at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. In total, 33 participants (46% rejection rate) from 10 countries and 21 institutions participated.

6th FLsc
The sixth edition of the Forensic Linguistics Short Course took place in September 2024 at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. In total, 22 participants (17% rejection rate) from 8 countries and 19 institutions participated.